The First Step: The Power of Task Initiation

The first step is always the hardest

We all have dreams, aspirations, and goals we want to achieve. Whether starting a new project, pursuing a fitness routine, learning a new skill, or tackling a daunting task at work, the key to success lies in task initiation. Initiation is the critical first step that sets the wheels in motion and propels us toward our objectives. 

So why does something as simple as starting sometimes feel impossible?

Understanding Task Initiation

Task initiation is the process of consciously deciding to begin an activity. It is the moment when we transition from the realm of ideas and intentions into actual action. Although it may seem simple, the art of task initiation holds profound significance in achieving our goals. The human mind often grapples with inertia and resistance, making starting a task challenging. 

Nike Was Wrong

If you've ever struggled to initiate a task, you probably said to yourself, "Just Do It!" But it's more complicated than that. Our brains are wired to crave and resist change. Recognizing how resistance shows up and giving a voice to how you feel will help you develop the right success strategy.

Remember, if it were as easy as yelling at ourselves, we’d all be filthy rich, in top physical condition, and happy.

Obstacle #1 Perfectionism or Fear of Failure

The fear of not succeeding can be paralyzing, making it difficult to take that first step.

Strategy #1 Embrace Imperfection

Perfection is not a prerequisite for starting, but starting is a prerequisite for success! When you first begin, having no expectations of yourself or the task can be quite beneficial. Allow yourself to make mistakes and learn from them as you progress.

Obstacle #2 Lack of Clarity

Uncertainty about the process or desired outcome can create hesitancy.

Strategy #2 Braindump & Create A Clear Goal

You may know what you want to accomplish, but do you know how you will do it? Sit down for a few minutes and write out everything that comes to mind when thinking about your task. Define your objectives clearly and break them down into smaller, manageable tasks. This makes the process less daunting and gives you a sense of direction. This is the time to ask yourself WHY you want or have to do this thing. Remembering our WHY helps us determine what is necessary vs. what would be ideal.

Obstacle #3 Overwhelm

Sometimes, the sheer magnitude of a task can be overwhelming, leading to procrastination.

Strategy #3 Start Small

Begin with a tiny step that requires minimal effort. Use your brain dump to guide you. What is the tiniest step you can take? Make it so easy you can't say no! The feeling of achievement from completing even the smallest task can propel you forward.

Obstacle #4 Distractions & Boredom

Life is filled with distractions that divert our attention away from the things we want to get done. 

Strategy #4 Create a Routine with Novelty & Energy

Establish a daily or weekly routine that includes time dedicated to working on your task. A realistic and consistent schedule will help build momentum. But make it enjoyable—your task and joy can coexist! 

  • Add stimulation like music or movement.

  • Make it creative or challenging by making it a game.

  • Stack it with something you already enjoy doing.

  • Change your scenery. Get out of the house or office and find a place that inspires your task.

Maintaining Motivation

Congratulations—you started! Now what? You cannot rely on daily willpower alone. You need to implement motivational strategies in your life.

  • Celebrate Progress and Be Accountable: Normalize steady progress and acknowledge the milestones you achieve. Reinforcing positive behavior is vital to future task initiation. Share your goals with friends or family who can support you along the way. If you need support, let them know how they can support you.

  • Seek Inspiration: Surround yourself with motivational content, images, books, or podcasts related to your task. Let the success stories of others drive you forward. 

  • Visualize Success: Take a moment and allow yourself to imagine the feeling of accomplishment once the task is completed and what your reward will look like. It's ok to visualize success before it happens!

Remember, the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. So, take that step today!

Aimee Olson is the founder of Life Done Simply and is a Productivity & Organizing Coach, Speaker, and member of the National Association of Productivity and Organizing Professionals (NAPO). Life Done Simply focuses on productivity and time management strategies, intentional and organized living, and mindfulness practices. Aimee works with a wide range of clients, many of whom are business leaders who want to better understand their priorities and bandwidth and develop focus and habits that honor those priorities.