Busy is not a badge of honor.

Are you overwhelmed and exhausted from the demands of the daily grind? I can’t blame you. Life moves faster than ever; our attention is a valuable commodity, and everyone wants a piece of it. We try to manage it all with endless to-do lists and complicated planners. We sacrifice rest in the hope that all we need is a few more hours in the day to "get ahead."

I created the PROactive Planning Coaching Program because so many of my clients were challenged by the busyness of day-to-day life, but they also struggled with something even more important...the clarity and confidence to determine how to spend their time!

When we aren’t clear and confident with our time we…


Exhaust ourselves trying to "catch up" or "power through"

Make costly mistakes

Overcommit or forget about important commitments

Damage relationships with colleagues, family, and friends

Allow others to determine our boundaries

Sound familiar?

The PROactive Planning Coaching Program will teach you how to…

  • Structure your days to optimize energy and focus

  • Create and implement a PROactive Planning routine into your week so you’re always clear about what needs to get done

  • Pivot with intention when life deals you a wild card

  • Set reasonable expectations of your time while still getting stuff done

  • Evaluate your productivity & time management tools with an efficiency mindset

  • Achieve greater satisfaction with how you spend your time and resources

PROactive Planning Coaching includes:

  • Eight 60-minute 1:1 sessions over eight weeks led by veteran Productivity & Organizing Coach, Aimee Olson

  • PROactive Planning Dashboard to map out priorities

  • Strategic Planning Dashboard to develop confidence in your goals

  • Weekly accountability and implementation follow-up

Are you ready to be more PROactive?

PROactive Planning Coaching Program FAQ

How much does the PROactive Planning Coaching Program cost?

The investment is $1,189 and an installment plan is available upon request.

How frequent are the PROactive Planning coaching sessions?

To maximize the sessions and build on your progress, coaching sessions are held weekly for eight weeks. Exceptions can be made for scheduling conflicts, but consistency is key! Together we choose a consistent day and time of the week that is best for you.

Will I need to learn how to use new productivity or time management technology

Not necessarily! We will do an audit of the tools and practices you use, and we will determine if there are better ways to leverage those tools. The goal should be to simplify processes—not add difficulty.

What can I expect as a coaching client?

Each session is highly engaging and actionable. I create a safe and supportive environment where you will feel free to reflect on your experiences. I will challenge you to think in ways that might be new to you, while offering tested-strategies that will help you achieve your goals. Together we will decide on how I can best support you between our sessions.